
Internet diary ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

Happenings and cute things I like.

Don’t wake me up, I’m not dreaming

Hi. I’ve been SO tired ever since I got back to LA. I moved into a new place and haven’t been going out much other than furniture stores etc. I’ve been escaping into my inner world. Sleeping a lot, reading a lot, working hard on a playlist with my current favorite songs. And impulse buying books with pretty covers. And more guided journals hehe.





Since I’m showing things I bought, let me also show this incredible lamp I found in a vintage store.

train lamp

train lamp

My first knick-knack for my new home! San Francisco is a place very close to my heart, so I immediately got it. I’m so glad I stumbled upon it.

Also, here’s my lunch from yesterday:


I put turmeric on almost everything I eat. It really makes a huge difference for my energy levels.


Hi. I’m Heza. I’m a sad grad student in Hawaii. I want to post things on the internet, so I’ve made an old-timey blog. I like being in nature, cute outfits, fun adventures with friends, and snacks.

Comments or questions? Send them my way in an email! Interesting comments can get shared in a post (if it's okay with you).

I also have an instagram

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